Andrew King

Andrew King


>I am Andrew King

I am a seasoned machine learning scientist and engineer. My research centers around the novel design and application of deep learning models with a recent emphasis in generative AI. I am the author of Scopi, Deep Segments, and a number of other machine learning, computer vision and NLP based applications.

I hold a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Georgia. I previously completed my undergraduate degree at Southern Virginia University, dual-majoring in Computer Science and Business Management.




I graduated with a master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Georgia. My master’s thesis explores fully convolutional deep learning architectures for semantic segmentation of image data. I have experience with a wide variety of machine learning and computer vision libraries.


I completed a major in computer science as part of my undergraduate degree at Southern Virginia University. I maintained a computer science major GPA of 4.0 and served as the president and founder of the Southern Virginia University Robotics Club and as the chair of the ACM student chapter.


My second major field of study as part of my undergrad was business management and leadership. I have taken courses in statistics, economics, and strategic management and have gained work experience at a number of small companies.



I am a classically-trained singer and have performed in a variety of productions including with the Port Angeles Light Opera and the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra. I completed 33 university-level credits in music.



Senior Machine Learning Engineer

NextGen Federal

April 2021 – Present

Leading machine learning initiatives and advancing AI research across Air Force and NASA geospatial intelligence contracts.

Driving research, development, and deployment of advanced ML models, leveraging architectures such as CNNs, FCNs, GANs, transformers, and diffusion models.

Applying models to diverse data modalities, with a particular emphasis on computer vision and natural language processing, to achieve superior results.


Machine Learning Research Engineer


Oct 2019 – April 2021

Acted as machine learning algorithm lead for a project in the geospatial intelligence domain. Utilized a variety of deep learning techniques such as sparse convolutional neural networks and LSTMs.

Acted as principal investigator for a machine learning research project in the radio frequency (RF) domain. Explored the use of region-based convolutional neural networks for signal detection and estimation.

Awarded the Leidos Innovation Center Award for Technical Excellence in the first quarter of 2020.


Machine Learning Developer / Data Scientist


May 2018 – Oct 2019

Led machine learning research at Ellucian, delivering proofs-of-concept and deploying product enhancements in the higher education administrative space.

Collaborated with architects and developers to define, deploy, and refine the cloud services-based machine learning architecture at Ellucian.

Presented deep learning and computer vision research at a variety of workshops and venues to educate customers and fellow data scientists.


Deep Learning, Graduate Research Assistant

University of Georgia – Visual and Parallel Computing Laboratory

May 2017 – May 2018

Conducted research as student lead on a deep learning project in conjunction with the Department of Marine Sciences. Exploring fully convolutional semantic segmentation architectures using underwater survey images from the Florida Keys for the purpose of mapping and tracking the coral reef.

Research was published in two CVPR papers and led to a top-1 classification accuracy of 88%, outperforming all previous models for this task.


Lead Programmer, Graduate Research Assistant

University of Georgia – Virtual Environments Laboratory

August 2016 – May 2018

Used Unity and computer vision techniques such as photogrammetry to develop virtual environments that assisted research projects in medicine, advertising, and psychology.


Lead Web Developer

Southern Virginia University


Developed a new, fully-responsive website for Southern Virginia University in an open-source content management system. Managed the design and implementation of the site, substantially decreasing development costs and saving the university thousands in yearly licensing and maintenance fees.

Mobile traffic increased from 29% to over 50% within six months after the launch of the new responsive site, a sign of a strong user experience for mobile users.

Assisted in growing a robust intern program, managing and training new web development interns to sustain in-house development.


Communications Assistant

Southern Virginia University


Managed all content on the Southern Virginia University website and made regular changes to keep the site up to date.


Apple Product Professional

CityMac Apple Store


Conducted hardware and software repairs on Apple products as a technician and support professional.


Assistant to the Office Manager

Sawtooth Software

2005-2007, 2010-2011

Worked as a receptionist, directing phone calls, answering questions, filing invoices, and performing other customer-service related tasks.



University Of Georgia – 3.94 GPA

Artificial Intelligence – M.S.

Attained a master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence. Thesis explored fully convolutional deep learning architectures for semantic segmentation of image data. Coursework included a variety of topics including natural language processing, computer vision, deep learning, and advanced data analytics.


Southern Virginia University – 3.87

Computer Science, Business Management – B.A.

Completed a bachelor’s degree with majors in both computer science and business management. Graduated with 162 credits in June 2016. Maintained a computer science major GPA of 4.0. Served as president and founder of the Southern Virginia University Robotics Club and as the chair of the Southern Virginia University ACM student chapter.


University of Virginia – 4.0 GPA

Modern Hebrew

Completed 12 credits at the University of Virginia, studying Modern Hebrew in the Summer Language Institute intensive language program and received perfect marks.


Python – Expert

Java – Experienced

C# – Experienced

C++ – Proficient

HTML5/CSS3/Javascript – Experienced

Flask – Proficient

PHP – Proficient

Pytorch – Experienced

Keras – Proficient

Apache Spark – Proficient

SciKit-learn – Experienced

statsmodels – Proficient

Pandas – Experienced

HuggingFace Transformers – Proficient

Dask – Proficient

SciKit-image – Experienced

OpenCV – Experienced

Weka – Experienced

LaTeX – Experienced



A stereoscopic camera application for Android and iOS. With it, users take two perspective-offset photos that are automatically registered (aligned), cropped, and stitched using OpenCV (C++ interface) to create a stereoscopic photograph for viewing in VR.


A vicuna based LLM model integrated with a diffusion model for interactive image generation and conversational assistant capabilities all in one, accessible from the web via simple Quart based webserver and UI.

Deep Segments

A tool for generating ground truth images for use in deep learning semantic segmentation models. It provides a simple and fast method for researchers by leveraging unsupervised clustering of an oversegmented image.

Brew Counts

Developed an in-lab yeast analysis computer vision software to automatically determine and track yeast health metrics in conjunction with Grimm Artisanal Ales. Organized ground truth data collection and achieved 97% cell count accuracy and 95% health classification accuracy.



Classically-trained singer who has performed in a variety of productions including with the Port Angeles Light Opera and the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra. Completed 33 university-level credits in music.


Scopi – A Smart VR Camera App

Scopi – A Smart VR Camera App

Adrix LLM

Adrix LLM

Diffusion Model Art

Diffusion Model Art

ScoPy – Stereoscopic Python Library

ScoPy – Stereoscopic Python Library

PLOS One 2020 Paper: Automated classification of three-dimensional reconstructions of coral reefs using convolutional neural networks

PLOS One 2020 Paper: Automated classification of three-dimensional reconstructions of coral reefs using convolutional neural networks

CVPR 2019 Paper: Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation Using Multi-View Information

CVPR 2019 Paper: Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation Using Multi-View Information

CVPR 2018 Paper: A Comparison of Deep Learning Methods for Semantic Segmentation of Coral Reef Survey Images

CVPR 2018 Paper: A Comparison of Deep Learning Methods for Semantic Segmentation of Coral Reef Survey Images

Deep Segments – For Deep Learning Segmentation

Deep Segments – For Deep Learning Segmentation

Fully Convolutional Neural Network – Keras

Fully Convolutional Neural Network – Keras

Brew Counts – Automatic Cell Counting

Brew Counts – Automatic Cell Counting

Music Genre Classifying Neural Network

Music Genre Classifying Neural Network

Neuroevolution: A Solution to Necessary Abstraction

Neuroevolution: A Solution to Necessary Abstraction

Using NEAT to Predict Solar Radiation

Using NEAT to Predict Solar Radiation

Neural Style Transfer

Neural Style Transfer

Website for Southern Virginia University

Website for Southern Virginia University

Chivalry – An Android Game

Chivalry – An Android Game

Eight Puzzle Solver

Eight Puzzle Solver

Solitaire Clone

Solitaire Clone

Prime – A friendly locomotive

Prime – A friendly locomotive

Southern Virginia University Calendar

Southern Virginia University Calendar

Coffee Paint

Coffee Paint

The Smoky God

The Smoky God

Foxcat Adventure

Foxcat Adventure

Faure Requiem – Libera Me

Faure Requiem – Libera Me

Breakout Clone

Breakout Clone

Music – Faraway Place (Original Album)

Music – Faraway Place (Original Album)

Music – If Ever I Would Leave You

Music – If Ever I Would Leave You


Seattle Metropolitan Area, WA